There is a story in Greek mythology about Medea, a daughter of Hekate and King Aeetes of Kolchis, and her pharmakides, who served medicinal herbs to the gods. From this historical allusion, the term “medicus” began to be used for medicines, and “pharmazie” for pharmaceutics. Poppy (Papaver somniferum) or opium is a type of medicinal herb and is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region; it is also found in Asia Minor and regions of Iran. Harvested from unripe fruit, opium was used as an anti-diarrheal, and its alcohol extract was used as an analgesic, sedative, and hypnotic drug.
Around 1805, Serturner, a German pharmacist, extracted morphine from opium and isolated it in the form of pure crystals. The name “morphine” is derived from “Morpheus,” the Greek God of dreams. Morphine was found to be a powerful analgesic, and is currently known as the “king of drugs.” It is an extremely effective medicine. Moreover, opium also contains alkaloids, such as codeine, noscapine, and papaverine: components that are used as powerful antitussives and anticonvulsants.
The emblem is a poppy fruit, with the “ph” in pharmazie replaced with the Greek letter φ (phi). Under this emblem, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University is working to develop a comprehensive understanding of the meaning of “medicine” that contributes to human health, and is striving to create professionals with Bachelor’s degrees in pharmacy, as well as skilled pharmaceutical scientists and pharmacists.